Cicada Killer Wasps are considered to be large insects and can reach 1.6 to 1.7 inches in length. They have black body with a yellow line painted across middle par of the body as well as on rear segments of Killer Wasp. Its head is colored red or ruby with yellowish wings and legs. Female Wasp is smaller in size but has all of the same characteristics are male Cicada Killer Wasp
Borrows may be identified in sandy soil that covers banks, hills as well as driveways and patio. They also nest in planters, flower beds, ground cover and etc... Nests are usually as six inches deep, going down vertically and then making a horizontal turn. You can see these nests as hole with U or L-shaped earth particles positioned next to the burrow entrance.
On this picuture you can see male and female Cicada Killer Wasps side by side with female on the left and male on the right side.